Watrous Bell Toys

La vie est belle!

Hi Bob -

I have two Gong Rocking Bell Toys (No 14 from their 1880 catalog).  One has a glass bell ringer, and the other has metalic (lead) bell ringer.  Any idea which one is original?  Can you or anyone else check yours and advise?

Thanks, Don Friday

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Hi Don,

I have several of these Number 14 rocking bell toys. Gong Bell used a turned brass bell on all of the rocking cast iron bell toys I've ever seen. All their early bell toys used cast and turned brass bells sometimes nickel plated. N N Hill started the stamped steel bell making in the late 1800s.

I may have misunderstood your question. If you are asking about the little piece that strikes the bell, these things were called jinglets. Gong Bell only used cast iron for their jinglets. Lead would not be used for a jinglet as it would not create the resonance. Glass is too delicate and not as heavy so it also would not give as clear a tone.


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