Fellow bell toy collector Paul Cole passed away recently. He was gracious, allowing me to stay at his home several times, and letting me photograph his toys. He will be missed, even though he cost me…See More
"Here are a few more patriotic bell toy images. The Rocking Eagle is in my collection. The Starr Bros and Wm Barton toys are in the collection of Paul Cole."
For the 4th of July, here's some patriotic bell toy history. Mass production of bell toys started just after the end of the Civil War and before the U. S. Centennial. The gruesome Civil War had…See More
A new member to Bell Toys spammed at least one member in our group. If you get anything from a Dr. Ronald Morris I suggest you delete it. May Mr. Morris get dumped on in the afterlife by Morris the…See More
The American Bell Association has published in their magazine, The Bell Tower, my article, “Hoop Bell Toys, Hoop Chime Toys & Rolling Hooples.” Part I was in the March-April 2019 issue pages…See More